Summary: Analyzes your vf-configuration, and crashes with descriptive error messages when necessary.

Function Summary
cibVFCfg Analyzes the validate_form.js configuration, and crashes with a descriptive error message when a problem is detected.
ciAttrIncmptbl Are the attributes associated to this object compatible with both the object and each other?
cibSprWSbRngFLS For validate_form.js features having sub-range-attributes, if the provided bounds are bad, crash with a descriptive error message. If the provided bounds are valid, do nothing.

vf_cibVFCfg.js: Overview

Analyzes your vf-configuration, and crashes with descriptive error messages when necessary.

See the cibc tutorial for implementation details.

TOP     vf_cibVFCfg.cibVFCfg()

Analyzes the validate_form.js configuration, and crashes with a descriptive error message when a problem is detected.

Use dbgVF() for diagnostic help.





TOP     vf_cibVFCfg.ciAttrIncmptbl()

Are the attributes associated to this object compatible with both the object and each other?

This enforces that this table is correct.




TOP     vf_cibVFCfg.cibSprWSbRngFLS()

For validate_form.js features having sub-range-attributes, if the provided bounds are bad, crash with a descriptive error message. If the provided bounds are valid, do nothing.

The purpose of this function is to detect and notify of any violations regarding the parameters s_msgSprAttr, id_min and id_max. These are errors that can occur by the developer (the person who downloaded validate_form.js, and is creating a form validaton scheme for their users), and that developer should be notified that they're using validate_form.js incorrectly.

If there is a violation regarding any parameter aside from s_msgSprAttr, id_min or id_max, this means that the validate_form.js code itself is in error, which is a bad thing. Please report any such problems to the bug forums. Thanks. :'  )

Other information: Error codes and range info.


Required is denoted by '*'. Non-required parameters must be provided as undefined.

Parameter When provided, it... Description
fl_stats* ...must be of type FLStats. The FLStats object for this form element. Used for potential error messages only.
bs_decOrInt* ...must be a string equal to 'true' or 'false'. Is this boundary defined by integers or decimals? If 'true', then id_min, id_max, id_absMin, and id_absMax (when provided) must each be decimals. If 'false', they must be integers..
...must be a string equal to 'true' or 'false'. The dash is not part of the name. If the super attribute (s_msgSprAttr) is provided, is it required that the range (id_min and/or id_max) also be provided? If 'true', then yes. If 'false', no..
id_absMin ...must be a legal integer or decimal number. The absolute minimum value that both id_min and id_max may be. Must be an decimal if bs_decOrInt equals 'true' and an integer if bs_decOrInt equals 'false'. and must be less than or equal to id_absMax, if that is provided
id_absMax ...must be a legal integer or decimal number. The absolute maximum value that both id_min and id_max may be. Must be an decimal if bs_decOrInt equals 'true' and an integer if bs_decOrInt equals 'false'. and must be greater than or equal to id_absMin, if it is provided (defined).
s_msgSprAttr   The super attribute, which is also the user error message, when they violate the range. This should only be provided when you desire this attribute to be associated to the form element. If it is provided, then at least one of id_min and id_max must be provided. If this is not provided, neither id_min and id_max may not be provided.
('id' stands for 'int or decimal')
...must conform to all the following rules:
  • If s_msgSprAttr has...
    • ...been provided (defined) then...
      • ...if id_max is not provided, this must be provided.
      • ...if id_max is provided, this may or may not be provided.
    • ...has not been provided, then neither this nor id_max may be provided.
  • Must be an decimal if bs_decOrInt equals 'true' and an integer if bs_decOrInt equals 'false'.
  • If id_absMin is provided (defined), must be greater than or equal to it.
  • If id_absMax is provided, must be less than or equal to it.
  • If id_max is provided, must be less than or equal to it.
The minimum bound.
id_max ...must conform to all the following rules:
  • If s_msgSprAttr has...
    • ...been provided (defined) then...
      • ...if id_min is not provided, this must be provided.
      • ...if id_min is provided, this may or may not be provided.
    • ...has not been provided, then neither this nor id_min may be provided.
  • Must be an decimal if bs_decOrInt equals 'true' and an integer if bs_decOrInt equals 'false'.
  • If id_absMin is provided, must be greater than or equal to it.
  • If id_absMax is provided, must be less than or equal to it.
  • If id_max is provided, must be greater than or equal to it.
The maximum bound.
s_nameSprAttr* ...should be in the form 'f_orm.element.superproperty'.
  • For checkbox elements, for example:
  • For all other element types, for example:
The name of the super attribute, for which these boundaries are required. For potential error messages only.
s_nameMin* ...should be in the form 'f_orm.element.minimumproperty'.. The conceptual name of the id_min bound, for potential error messages only.
s_nameMax* ...should be in the form 'f_orm.element.maximumproperty'. The conceptual name of the id_max bound, for potential error messages only. Note that this must be in the form 'f_orm.element.maximumproperty'. See documentation for s_nameMin for examples.
s_extraErrInfo   Any extra information, if any, that may be useful in a (potential) error message. Will be preceded by 'Extra info: '. Will be concatenated to the end of any error message.

(back)   cibSprWSbRngFLS(): ERROR CODES

The following errors short circuit in order. For example, if cibsws5 is detected, then cibsws7 will never be analyzed for, even though it may also represent a current problem.

Code Condition
vf.cibsws1 and vf.cibsws2 Sanity checks only. You should never see these unless I've made a serious boo boo.
vf.cibsws3 The super attribute is undefined, but one of the sub attributes are defined.
vf.cibsws4 The super attribute is defined, but both sub-attributes are undefined.
vf.cibsws5 Both the super and min bound sub-attributes are defined, but the min bound is (individually) invalid (not a decimal/int when it should be, or exceeds any existing abs bounds).
vf.cibsws6 Both the super and max bound sub-attributes are defined, but the max bound is (individually) invalid.
vf.cibsws7 The super and min and max bound sub-attributes are all defined, but the min and max bounds are invalid (min is greater than max).

(back)   cibSprWSbRngFLS(): Range details

Here is a list of every attribute avaliable in validate_form.js that has a super attribute associated to sub-attributes that define a range. sif-attributes are special and handled elsewhere.

Element type Super attribute Absolute
Range required when
Super attribute defined?
text * sMsgBadLength 0 - (or MAXLENGTH) ** x
textarea sMsgBadLength 0 - x
text sMsgTxtInt - -  
text sMsgTxtDec *** - -  
checkbox **** sMsgMCRange 1 # of options x
select-multiple sMsgMCRange 1 # of options x

* Items applying to text elements in this chart, also apply to password elements.
** text.sMsgBadLength has no absolute maximum when the standard MAXLENGTH attribute is not provided. When MAXLENGTH is provided, then that is its absolute maximum.
*** sMsgTxtDec is the only attribute where the bounds must be decimal, instead of int. Notice also that this attritute has no absolute bounds.
**** Checkbox- and radio-sets are the only element types with special naming conventions.


cibSprWSbRngFLS(fl_stats, bs_decOrInt, bs_rangeRqdIfSprPrvd,
                id_absMin, id_absMax,
                s_msgSprAttr, id_min, id_max,
                s_nameSprAttr, s_nameMin, s_nameMax,

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