Summary: The functions in this class were used in previous versions, but will be permanently eliminated in future versions. Grab them while the grabbing is still hot.

Function Summary
isSurroundedBySpace Does the provided string start or end with a space?
isSurroundedByChar Does the provided string start or end with the provided character?
calert Conditionally print the provided message in an alert box.
cibBoolStrOpt Crash if the provided value is an invalid BooleanString.
getOptBooleanString If the value is provided, get its BooleanString value.
test Deprecated for [test_and_xmpl.]testCode(). A single unit test. If the actual result differs from the actual, an error alert box is presented. This function is rudimentary.

will_be_elim.js: Overview

The functions in this class were used in previous versions, but will be permanently eliminated in future versions. Grab them while the grabbing is still hot.

TOP     will_be_elim.isSurroundedBySpace()

Does the provided string start or end with a space?

Equal to isSurroundedByChar(s_tring, ' ')

TOP     will_be_elim.isSurroundedByChar()

Does the provided string start or end with the provided character?



TOP     will_be_elim.calert()

Conditionally print the provided message in an alert box.



TOP     will_be_elim.cibBoolStrOpt()

Crash if the provided value is an invalid BooleanString.


TOP     will_be_elim.getOptBooleanString()

If the value is provided, get its BooleanString value.


TOP     will_be_elim.test()

Deprecated for [test_and_xmpl.]testCode(). A single unit test. If the actual result differs from the actual, an error alert box is presented. This function is rudimentary.



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