GO |
JavaScript file |
Summary |
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validate_form |
The heart of the validate_form.js project, and the only file you need to import (via <SCRIPT SRC="... ). |
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vf_gtUsrErrCnt |
Analyzes a form's values, as provided by your users, and generates user-error messages as necessary. |
... |
vf_dbgVF |
Debug a form's vf-related information in a series of configurable alert() boxes. |
... |
vf_cibVFCfg |
Analyzes your vf-configuration, and crashes with descriptive error messages when necessary. |
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vf_obj_dgnstcs |
Functions to diagnose and display information regarding FLStats and CmptblOTA objects. |
... |
vf_stASIF |
Add your own sif-attributes to the existing set of vf-attributes. |
... |
si_fmt |
Define and manage a "string-integer" format, to be used by validate_form.js to enforce values are legal values for items such as phone numbers, zip codes and social security numbers. |
... |
fl_stats |
A wrapper for form objects (the form itself and elements therein). |
... |
util_array |
Random, standalone functions for array analysis. |
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util_string |
Random functions for creating, manipulating and analyzing strings. |
... |
utility |
Random, standalone functions. |
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crash_if |
Functionality to 'crsh' when certain conditions are met. |
... |
util_form |
Random, standalone functions for form analysis. |
... |
test_and_xmpl |
Functions related to unit testing, and displaying example code. |
... |
will_be_elim |
The functions in this class were used in previous versions, but will be permanently eliminated in future versions. Grab them while the grabbing is still hot. |