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Concept: sMsgTxtEmail

Ensures a string value is a properly-formatted email address. Summary
sMsgTxtEmail All Attributes
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[TOP]   sMsgTxtEmail attribute: sMsgTxtEmail        
Value Purpose The error message presented to the user when the value is not a valid email address.
Value Rules Must be a string at least one character in length.
Object Compatibility text,  password
Attribute Compatibility sMsgRequired,  sMsgBadLength,  bsNoBadSubStrs,  asBadSubStrs,  sMsgBadSubStr,  bsDontTrimSpaces,  bsTrimSpaces

Other sMsgTxtEmal Notes

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Object Type Concept
text sMsgTxtEmail

VF-Config Snippet f_orm.your_email.sMsgTxtEmail = 'That is not a legal email address.';
Example Element <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="your_email">

The form Change the vf-configuration
What is your email address?
[[   DBG     ]]

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Object Type Concept
password sMsgTxtEmail

VF-Config Snippet f_orm.secret_email.sMsgTxtEmail = 'Your *secret* email address (shhhhhh) is not a *legal* email address.';
Example Element <INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="secret_email">

The form Change the vf-configuration
What is your secret (shhhhhh) email address?
[[   DBG     ]]

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