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Object Type:  password

Compatible Concepts rqd dec eml int len mcr bss trm sif
Compatible Attributes sMsgRequired,  sMsgTxtDec,  sMsgTxtEmail,  sMsgTxtInt,  sMsgBadLength,  bsNoBadSubStrs,  asBadSubStrs,  sMsgBadSubStr,  bsDontTrimSpaces,  bsTrimSpaces,  sMsgTxtZip5,  sMsgTxtZip5p4,  sMsgTxtPhone7,  sMsgTxtPhone10,  sMsgTxtSsn
Example Associationf_orm.your_pwd_lmnt.sVFAttribute = 'String value';
Example Object<INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="your_secret_string">
<INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="your_secret_string" MAXLENGTH="20">
Object RulesEvery password element in the form must have a unique name.


The standard HTML attribute MAXLENGTH can be applied to text and password elements.

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