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rqd dec eml int len mcr bss trm sif | All Concepts | |
frm txt pwd txa RDO sl1 chk slm | All Object Types |
SetCompatible Concepts |
rqd dec eml int len mcr bss trm sif |
Compatible Attributes |
sMsgRequired |
Example Association | f_orm['your_rdo_set_lmnt.sVFAttribute'] = 'String value';
Example Object | <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="favorite_station" VALUE="99.5"> 99.5 WJBR
Object Rules | Every radio element in the form having the same name, is considered a radio-set, and is treated as an individual unit.The order of the error messages returned by |
Copyright (C) 2003-2005, Jeff Epstein. All rights reserved.