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Concept: Trim spaces

Eliminates spaces from the start and end of a string. This is the only validate_form.js concept that is purely an action, and places no restrictions on a value. Summary
bsGlobalTrimSpaces,  bsDontTrimSpaces,  bsTrimSpaces All Attributes
txt pwd txa rdo sl1 chk slm Interactive Example Code
Higher  [  TRM rqd len dec eml int sif mcr bss  ]  Lower
Highest priority. Spaces are trimmed before any further analysis occurs on a value.

[TOP]   Trim spaces attribute: bsGlobalTrimSpaces        
Value Purpose Declares that all (non-sif) strings will trim spaces from their ends.
Value Rules Must be a string equal to 'true'.

Note for all BooleanStrings: The only legal values for a BooleanString vf-attributes (those whose names start with 'bs*') are strings equal to either 'true' or 'false'. When 'true',the attribute is considered 'associated',and its concept is activated. When 'false',the attribute is not associated (and,in fact,is explicitly undefined at the bottom of the FLStats constructor).

Object Compatibility form
Attribute Compatibility asGlobalBadSubStrs
When Provided bsTrimSpaces may not be associated to any element.
When Not Provided bsDontTrimSpaces may not be associated to any element.
[TOP]   Trim spaces attribute: bsTrimSpaces        
Value Purpose Trim the spaces off the ends of this single element.

Note: sif-attributes already trim their value,so may not have any Trim Space attributes associated to it.

Value Rules Must be a string equal to 'true'.

Note for all BooleanStrings: The only legal values for a BooleanString vf-attributes (those whose names start with 'bs*') are strings equal to either 'true' or 'false'. When 'true',the attribute is considered 'associated',and its concept is activated. When 'false',the attribute is not associated (and,in fact,is explicitly undefined at the bottom of the FLStats constructor).

Object Compatibility text,  password,  textarea
Attribute Compatibility sMsgRequired,  sMsgTxtDec,  sMsgTxtEmail,  sMsgTxtInt,  sMsgBadLength,  bsNoBadSubStrs,  asBadSubStrs,  sMsgBadSubStr
When Provided form.bsGlobalTrimSpaces may not exist, and bsDontTrimSpaces may not be associated to this element.
When Not Provided No restrictions
[TOP]   Trim spaces attribute: bsDontTrimSpaces        
Value Purpose Don't trim this string element. Overrides form.bsGlobalTrimSpaces for this single element.

Note: sif-attributes already trim their value, so may not have any Trim Space attributes associated to it.

Value Rules Must be a string equal to 'true'.

Note for all BooleanStrings: The only legal values for a BooleanString vf-attributes (those whose names start with 'bs*') are strings equal to either 'true' or 'false'. When 'true',the attribute is considered 'associated',and its concept is activated. When 'false',the attribute is not associated (and,in fact,is explicitly undefined at the bottom of the FLStats constructor).

Object Compatibility text,  password,  textarea
Attribute Compatibility sMsgRequired,  sMsgTxtDec,  sMsgTxtEmail,  sMsgTxtInt,  sMsgBadLength,  bsNoBadSubStrs,  asBadSubStrs,  sMsgBadSubStr
When Provided form.bsGlobalTrimSpaces must exist, and bsTrimSpaces may not be associated to this element.
When Not Provided No restrictions.

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<<BACK  TXT pwd txa rdo sl1 chk slm
Object Type Concept
text Trim spaces

VF-Config Snippet f_orm.your_string.bsTrimSpaces = 'true';
Example Element <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="your_string">

An element with sMsgTxtZip5 (or any sif-attribute) already trims. Therefore, both bsTrimSpaces and bsDontTrimSpaces may not be associated to that same element.

The form Change the vf-configuration
Give me a password to trim:
[[     [ CIBC CRSH ]   DBG     ]]

TOP     rqd dec eml int len mcr bss TRM sif
<<BACK  txt PWD txa rdo sl1 chk slm
Object Type Concept
password Trim spaces

VF-Config Snippet f_orm.secret_string.bsTrimSpaces = 'true';
Example Element <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="secret_string">

An element with sMsgTxtZip5 (or any sif-attribute) already trims. Therefore, both bsTrimSpaces and bsDontTrimSpaces may not be associated to that same element.

The form Change the vf-configuration
Give me a password to trim:
[[     [ CIBC CRSH ]   DBG     ]]

TOP     rqd dec eml int len mcr bss TRM sif
<<BACK  txt pwd TXA rdo sl1 chk slm
Object Type Concept
textarea Trim spaces

VF-Config Snippet f_orm.your_paragraph.bsTrimSpaces = 'true';
Example Element <TEXTAREA NAME="your_paragraph"></TEXTAREA>

The form Change the vf-configuration
Give me a paragraph to trim:
[[     [ CIBC CRSH ]   DBG     ]]

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